Enzyme based Eco-Friendly Product Manufacturer in India

What are they and how do they work?

Although they aren’t a new technology, bio-enzymatic cleaners are gaining popularity and getting looked at more closely by cleaning professionals, and rightfully so. Bio-enzymatic cleaners are cleaning products that use non-pathogenic, “good” bacteria to digest wastes, soils, stains, and malodors.

The bacteria do this by producing enzymes specifically designed to break down certain molecules (wastes/soils) into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces become “food” for the bacteria.

The bacteria consume these soils and break them down into two basic compounds: carbon dioxide and water. The bacteria grow in number and continue to consume the soils until their food supply diminishes (the soil is gone), then the bacteria population levels off or decreases and can be washed away during the next cleaning or continue to work against new soils.

It is important to know that the enzymes in these cleaners are not living things and cannot grow or reproduce on their own, like the bacterial micro-organisms do. They are more like tools that are created by the bacteria to help break down large molecules.


Typical bio-enzymatic cleaners contain various enzymes to break down various soils:

  • Proteases break down protein-based molecules such as blood and food.
  • Lipases break down fat molecules, such as oils and greases.
  • Amylases break down starch molecules.
  • Bio-enzymatic cleaners often contain blends of these enzymes with others along with the bacteria so they are effective against a wide array of stains and soils.


There are various benefits to using bio-enzymatic cleaners:

  • They are often safer for the environment and human health compared to other chemical products.
  • The micro-organisms (bacteria) can penetrate into very small cracks and crevices and eliminate soils and malodors that traditional chemicals often cannot remove.
  • The bacteria and enzymes are left as residuals and can keep working for up to 80 hours after application, ensuring that soils and malodors are fully removed.
  • Through natural competition for food and resources, the non-pathogenic “good” bacteria can help to displace pathogenic (disease-causing) bacteria, which benefits human health.


Application and Uses.

Housekeeping Hygiene Solutions – At Cizar Care, we offer a wide range of housekeeping hygiene solutions that are pH-neutral and 100% organic. Our lineup includes cleaners for washrooms, multipurpose use, glass, and furniture, as well as room fresheners and descalers. These products are enhanced with our proprietary enzymes, which not only clean, deodorize, and disinfect but also prevent drain blockages.

Waterless Urinal Solution – Experience the innovation of our Cizar waterless system, powered by our exclusive enzyme, Cizar Urix. This solution effectively eliminates uric acid from urine, ensuring unclogged drains and odor-free restrooms.

Kitchen Hygiene Solutions – For a clean and hygienic kitchen, choose Cizar Care’s pH-neutral and 100% organic kitchen hygiene products. Our range includes cleaners for dishes, kitchen surfaces, ovens & grills, as well as drain cleaners and garbage deodorizers. With our special enzymes, these products not only clean and disinfect but also prevent blockages and eliminate odors.

Organic Waste Solution – Say goodbye to bad smells and hello to hassle-free composting with Cizar Manura. This solution transforms organic waste into compost in just 21 days, boosting biogas yield by over 3 times. Experience the benefits of odor elimination and efficient composting.

Laundry Hygiene Solutions – Save energy and water while extending the lifespan of your clothes with Cizar Care’s laundry product line. Our pH-neutral and 100% organic enzyme-based cleaners, including detergent, de-stainer, oxy plus, and stain removers, are designed to save over 40% on electricity and water consumption.

Wastewater Solutions – Manage your wastewater effectively with Cizar’s exclusive enzymes, Bio Septic and Fatox. These enzymes help control BOD, COD, pH, E. coli, and TSS levels, reducing aeration expenses by 50% and delivering odorless STP and treated water.

Water Bodies Solutions – Experience the power of Cizar Aqua’s exclusive enzyme formula in purifying ponds and lakes. Our formula leaves water fresh, odorless, and crystal-clear, eliminating murky and smelly water with its powerful cleaning capabilities.


The strongest enzyme cleaners in the market.

Don’t waste your money on inferior products that claim to contain powerful cleaning enzymes. Our products have more than 5X the LIVE enzymes for a deeper clean!